Debug mode sonic 2
Debug mode sonic 2

  • Level Select - Up, Down, Down, Down, Down, Up, A + Start.
  • The down-pointing spring has some weird behavior that appears to have been disabled starting with the September 14th build If Sonic hits such a spring and uses his death sprite for it, he will roll into a ball once he reaches the ground, and can shoot far from a quarter-pipe, stick to flat ground surfaces, and even clip below the floor into his death.ĭiscuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
  • The screen doesn't scroll up or down when you look up or down for a certain period of time.
  • If Sonic and Tails are both hit at the same time while carrying at least one ring, an overabundance of rings will pop out regardless of how many they actually possess.
  • debug mode sonic 2

  • The timer resets to 9:00 before hitting 9:59, allowing the player to test stages for extended periods.
  • Locking on this prototype with Sonic & Knuckles will unlock the full Blue Sphere game.
  • Spawned monitors can only be broken once per life/act.
  • If Sonic has passed a signpost, entering and exiting debug will not allow the player to regain the ability to control him.
  • Sonic retains his land speed if entering debug from water, and exiting to land.
  • Entering and exiting debug while submerged will not reset Sonic's underwater timer.
  • Sonic cannot enter debug when he is in his death animation.
  • Sonic cannot enter debug while he is being knocked back.
  • When Sonic is hit without rings, he'll only be knocked back The only way for him to lose a life is by drowning/falling into a bottomless pit.
  • Sonic's speed and velocity don't reset when exiting debug.
  • debug mode sonic 2

  • Debug mode follows the logic of Sonic 1.
  • The explosion sprites are as they are in Sonic 1.
  • The ground speed cap from Sonic 1 is still present.
  • The spike damage behavior works the same way as it does in Sonic 1.
  • The spin dash is a work-in-progress, as Sonic and Tails can only charge it once further, the sound for when Sonic spins in Sonic 1 is heard as there is not yet a specific sound effect for the spin dash.
  • The sprite of him getting up would later be polished and reused for when Sonic leaves his "lying on ground" idle animation.
  • There is a mechanic where Sonic rebounds off walls if he runs into them at high speeds, using sprites that became unused by the Simon Wai prototype.
  • The music and invulnerability last until the end of the Act.
  • Invincibility doesn't show the star effect, though the music is still played.
  • 2-Player mode is even less complete, due to all sorts of odd glitches and not being enabled for every Zone.
  • debug mode sonic 2

    The AI is also much simpler: Tails copies Sonic's moves and makes no attempt to keep up with him. If Tails gets hurt, he can lose rings for Sonic. Further, Tails cannot complete a level on his own, since the game only loads the goal sign when Sonic approaches it.

  • At this point in development, Tails is quasi-independent: Player 2 is able to control Tails, except he will also follow Sonic.

  • Debug mode sonic 2