Mister Sandman - At night your silence weapons do an additional +25% sneak attack damage. Escape Artist - Sneak to lose enemies and running no longer affects stealth. Covert Operative - Your ranged sneak attacks do 2.15x normal damage. Sneak - You are 25% harder to detect when sneaking. Ninja - Sneak attacks with melee weapons to 2,3x normal damage. While these are not the only ways that you can add the most stealth to your character, these are mainly the perks that specifically are called for sneak/stealth.
Here are the various stealth perks that player who create stealth builds can use for extra help in being sneaky. Gauss rifles are extremely powerful as well and those would be best used with stealth as they can eliminate your enemies with swiftness. To maintain your stealth with this particular armor, combat rifle and handmade rifles are imperative.
Invisible in combat if unarmored or stationary.Ĭhameleon Shadowed Armor is another great stealth tactic as it combines the mutation with armor, keeping the benefits with you for as long as you are wearing the armor. *Note: One needs the recipe in order to create this, but this may be a given. There are serums that players can only take to gain the effect from a certain mutation, and in the case of being stealthy, the Chameleon mutation would benefit you the most. They are oftentimes random, and sometimes a hindrance to the player and their gameplay, but there are some that can be beneficial to the player. Mutations aren’t the best ways to rely on getting perks to help your gameplay. Chameleon Buttressed Trapper Chest Piece. This particular build is using various ways to stay hidden around enemies, but heavy Shadowed armor is a great start, especially for those who are relatively new to the game. A great under armor for leather armor is the vault suit. Leather armor has a pretty wide range of ways that it can be modified to suit heavy tanks and ultralight players. An important thing to note is that the Shadowed mod only works on leather armor. Shadowed modification is a great mod for sneaking around enemies undetected. We’ll be going over different types of legendary armor that act as camouflage, mods for armor, mutations, and more. We’ll go over the awesomeness that is the Chinese Stealth Armor, but also show some other ways of giving your character the ability to be hidden from the wasteland’s most formidable. While the stealth suit is valuable, it is not the only way players can remain stealthy in the game. Remembering the excitement of first seeing it in Fallout 3, as you simulate your way through the Liberation of Anchorage, still brings goosebumps. The Chinese Stealth Armor was added with the expansion of Wastelanders and has had many players talking about it.